During my time at Clemson, I was fortunate to work as an intern on a project management team at a respected general contractor. While it was not the glitz and glamor of being an intern at a large design firm… Keep Reading
How Working for a General Contractor Made Me a Better Engineer
One of the most important things I learned while working at a general contractor was communication and relationship skills.
David Humphries
Civil Engineering Explained: What is a dry pond?
Stormwater management is one of the core areas in civil design. The development of a site almost always increases the impervious area through the construction of things such as buildings, parking lots, and sidewalks, which prevents stormwater from soaking into the ground and increases runoff volumes.
Austin Fowler
In fact, when I try to explain what I do for a living to my friends and family I get responses like: “Dry pond? Is it still a pond if it’s dry?”, and “Are there any stormwater ponds near me?… Keep Reading