This nearly 6 acre site was the home to DFI Manufacturing for many years before the Furman Company purchased and redeveloped the site into a mixed use destination in the heart of the Village of West Greenville. A critical goal was to salvage and reuse two onsite buildings and as much of the existing site infrastructure as possible while also enhancing Perry Avenue with streetscape improvements.
The project is a great case study in a private public partnership. City funds were used for funding the streetscape improvements and the City’s first reverse angled parking was implemented along Perry Avenue. Grading was minimized and existing parking lots were minimally repaved. In lieu of adding surface stormwater detention ponds a Low Impact Development (LID) approach was used. Landscaping planters and sunken grass lawns receive and store runoff via rain chains and convey it through historic drainage culverts. A pervious concrete parking lot and multiple subsurface gravel dry wells were used for subsurface runoff storage and water quality treatment. Two buildings totaling almost 65,000 SF were renovated for various tenants including Greenville Technical College’s Truist Culinary & Hospitality Innovation Center (CHI) facility, Larue Chocolates, and Carolina Bauernhaus brewery. Outdoor gathering areas include an amphitheater and terraced seat walls for collaboration of building users.